Outlook 2013 For Mac

Microsoft Outlook with a Microsoft 365 subscription is the latest version of Outlook. Previous versions include Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, and Outlook 2007. In Outlook 2016 for Mac, Focused Inbox is only available for Microsoft 365 Apps for business Emails. Turn Focused Inbox on. Open Outlook 2016 for Mac. On the Organize tab, select Focused inbox. The Focused and Other tabs will appear at the top of your inbox. You’ll be informed about email flowing to Other, and you can switch between tabs any. Outlook 2013 free download - Microsoft Outlook Express, MSG Viewer for Outlook, Microsoft Outlook 2019, and many more programs. Open MSG, OFT, and Winmail.dat files easily on your Mac.

This page provides instructions on how to configure Outlook 2013 to access your Office 365 account using Exchange.

Outlook Tutorials on Lynda.com

Lynda.com has several video tutorials that cover how to get the most out of using this program, including information about contacts and creating email filters or rules.

You will need to log into lynda.com, using your USC username and password, before accessing these videos. To log in, go to www.usc.edu/its/lynda and click the “Log in to Lynda.com” button. After you have logged into lynda.com, return to this page and click one of the link below to access the videos.

Outlook 2013 Macro Recorder

Configuring Your Account

  1. Open Outlook 2013.
  2. If the Microsoft Outlook 2013 Startup wizard displays automatically:
    1. On the first page of the wizard, click Next.
    2. On the E-mail Accounts page of the wizard, click Next again to access the Add Account screen.
  3. If the Microsoft Outlook 2013 Startup wizard doesn’t appear:
    1. On the Outlook 2013 toolbar, click the File tab.
    2. Above the Account Settings button, click Add Account.
  4. On the Auto Account Setup page, ensure that Email Account is selected and then enter the following information:
    1. In the Your Name field, enter your name as you want it to appear on your emails.
    2. In the E-mail Address field, enter your USC email address.
    3. In the Password field, enter your USC password. Re-enter the password in the Retype Password field.
    4. Click Next.
  5. Wait for Outlook to find your server. This could take a few minutes.
  6. Click Finish once Outlook has completed configuring your Office 365 account.

Note: The next time you open Outlook, the program may take some time to synchronize your mail folders.

Getting Help

For assistance configuring your email client for Office 365, please contact the ITS Customer Support Center.

When you initially launch Outlook 2013, you see an Outlook 2013 Startup Wizard. The prompts and on-screen help are self-explanatory. Adding a mail account within Outlook involves — surprise! — a wizard.

Although Outlook 2013 and Windows Live Mail both handle your e-mail, Outlook 2013 is far superior in features and functionality. If you have both on your PC, use Outlook 2013 . . . you’ll thank me later.

Follow these steps to add an Internet e-mail account within Outlook:

Outlook 2013 macros in this project are disabled

1From the File tab, click Info. Then click the Account Settings button and choose Account Settings from the pop-up menu. (Whew!)

Outlook displays the dialog box.

2Click the New button on the E-Mail tab toolbar.

The Add Account Wizard appears. (Note that you can also change an existing account from the toolbar.)

Outlook 2013 can automatically set up most e-mail accounts for you. For virtually all home PC owners, that’s a POP3 server, which is the common choice with most dialup and digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable Internet service providers (ISPs). You can also set up a separate account for a web-based server (like Hotmail or Gmail).

3Click the E-Mail Account radio button and click Next.

Provide Outlook 2013 with your account information, and it does the rest!

4Type your name into the Your Name box and then type the e-mail address supplied by your ISP into the E-mail Address box.

Outlook 2013 Macros

Finally, type your e-mail account password into the Password box and then retype it to confirm your spelling.

Check the documentation provided by your ISP for information like your e-mail address and password — if you can’t find it, a call to your ISP’s technical support line is in order. If you’re manually entering your ISP or company’s server information, click the Manual Setup or Additional Server Types radio button.

5Click Next.

Update Outlook For Mac


Outlook attempts to connect to the specified server and download a sample message.

Any errors are reported at the bottom of the dialog box. If you misspelled your password, you can correct it and retry the connection. The wizard reports success after the connection has been made and the message downloaded.

6Click Finish to close the wizard.

Note that your new account has been added to the list in the Account Settings dialog box.

To remove an account or to specify a new account as the default, click the account in the list to select it, and then click the Remove or Set as Default buttons on the E-Mail tab’s toolbar.